Swift access modifiers
open classes and class members can be subclassed and overridden both within and outside the defining module (target). Open access is the highest (least restrictive) access level.
public classes and class members can only be subclassed and overridden within the defining module (target).
Enables an entity to be used within the defining module (target). You typically use internal access when defining an app’s or a framework’s internal structure.
Restricts the use of an entity to its defining source file. You typically use fileprivate access to hide the implementation details of a specific piece of functionality when those details are used within an entire file.
Restricts the use of an entity to its enclosing declaration. You typically use private access to hide the implementation details of a specific piece of functionality when those details are used only within a single declaration. private access is the lowest (most restrictive) access level.
The final keyword is not an access level but you can add it to any of the access levels (apart from open) to prevent subclassing or overriding.
Now the question is What does it mean by same module?
Let’s understand it by example: many times we subclass UITextField (class), which is a part of UIKIT (Different module) but we can do this because it is defined as open. Same applies for class member and methods.
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
open class UITextField : UIControl, UITextInput, NSCoding, UIContentSizeCategoryAdjusting {
Some other observations: (I have checked it with swift 3.0.)
In order to apply the open and public access modifiers we need to inherit our class from NSObject. Or we may get below error while using outside of class.
'openClass' initializer is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level.
'publicClass' initializer is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level.
'fileprivateFunc' is inaccessible due to 'fileprivate' protection level
We cannot inherit public class outside the module. We get below error:
Cannot inherit from non-open class 'publicClass' outside of its defining module
We cannot access internal method or object outside the module.
'internalObject' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level
In other file or module,We get below error when we try to create object of FilePrivate class and private class respectively.
Use of undeclared type 'fileprivateClass'
Use of undeclared type 'privateClass'
In same file, we can inherit or create object of private class as below and we can access all class members and methods which are not private.
fileprivate var privateClassObject = privateClass()
private class IprivateClass :privateClass {
Here is a link of apple document for more details.